Words to Remember to Keep Health  

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The wise words to remember:

1. Watch your daily meals

2. Follow the eating guidance carefully

3. Always choose the good carbohydrate, good protein and good fat.

4. Remember or keep the list of good macro nutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat)

5. Stay away from hard margarine and shortening, they are all trans fatty acid

6. Trans fatty acid is poisonous fat it can cause you heart problem and stroke

7. Stop consuming all fried foods, primarily doughnut and fried potatoes

8. Heated vegetable oil will turn to become poisonous trans fatty acid

9. The worst fat is trans fatty acid and LDL bad cholesterol

10. The worst carbohydrates are sugar and all high glycemic carbohydrates, do not use it. Use sugar substitute for your tea or coffee

11. The bad proteins are fatty red meats, organ meats and egg yolks

12. Our body can tolerate one egg yolk a day but free for egg whites

13. Avoid all bad high glycemic carbohydrates and trans fatty acid

14. Stop consuming any sweet foods including high glycemic fresh fruit like bananas, mangoes and papayas

15. Corns, potatoes and carrots are high glycemic vegetables. Keep away

16. Avoid most of saturated land animal fat. It has much LDL and homocystein,
very bad for your arteries and overall health

17. Choose good fat and oil, but use only very little except nuts and seeds

18. Prefer fish instead of red meat. Fish has very good Omega 3, EPA & DHA

19. Have protein source first to begin your meal like fish, boiled eggs, grilled
breast of chicken or turkey without skin

20. Limit the consumption of red meat like beef, pork, lamb and organ meats. It
contained a lot of bad saturated fat, cholesterol and homocystein that can aggregate and
clot your blood

21. Limit the consumption of egg yolk to maximum 5 – 6 a week. Even though egg
yolk has Omega-3 it has arachidonic acid and homocystein. Too much egg yolks can be bad for
your heart and blood arteries. Use egg white more freely to vary your protein dish

22. Do not over eat, stop eating when you feel the sense of 80% full

23. Consume smaller portions for your meals. Lower calorie intake from your food
is better for your health

24. Limit the use of salt especially if you got hypertension. Use low sodium salt

25. Exercise regularly, walking is cheap and easy. Make it to be your every day habit

26. Do not over work, consult your physician before beginning any exercises, if
you never exercise

27. Appreciate any kind of humor. Laugh is very good for your health

28. Avoid stress, always think positively, be gratitude and keep smiling

29. Use thought switching method to accept any information as happy to your mind

30. You will never get negative information unless you allow it

31. Meditate or pray to relax your mind and body. Take deep breath to clean your lung
and your mind

32. Start and enjoy your new happy and healthy life style with balance
appropriate diet, sufficient exercise and enough good rest and quality sleep

33. Do not forget to consume regularly the super supplements listed here

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